Photo courtesy of Collaborative for Children
Collaborative for Children

Collaborative for Children is a nonprofit that strengthens early childhood education throughout Greater Houston. It works with parents, educators, and local leaders to make sure the region's children are ready to succeed in the long term.

Collaborative traces its roots to 1987, with a history grounded in two organizations: the Greater Houston Collaborative for Children and Initiatives for Children. Together, these organizations provided 24 years of combined service to the community. Collaborative for Children was formally founded in 2004, based on the premise that combining the administrative and program infrastructure of these two viable organizations would increase efficiency and strengthen their ability to improve the quality of early childhood care and education.

Collaborative relies on the support of individuals, foundations, corporations, and other partners in several ways — including annual giving, planned gifts, and volunteering — to achieve its goals. Collaborative greatly appreciates committed volunteers who show support to the families, educators, and child care providers most impacted by its services. Through their HELP Houston effort (High-Quality Early Learning Programs), they offer a variety of volunteer opportunities for individuals and groups who want to help build a prosperous future for children in early learning programs in the Greater Houston area. For more information, call 713-600-1204 or visit

Collaborative for Children hosts an annual Give a Child a Chance luncheon to benefit its Circle of Friends annual fund.

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