Photo courtesy of Chinquapin Preparatory School
Chinquapin Preparatory School

Chinquapin’s mission is to provide a high-quality college preparatory education to able and motivated youth from under-resourced communities and schools in the greater Houston area.

Through rigorous curriculum and an emphasis on community service and earning what one receives, they aim to produce responsible, well-educated citizens who will become constructive leaders in their communities.

Philanthropic support for Chinquapin Preparatory School by individuals and organizations is greatly appreciated. Make a gift online here.

They offer a mentor program, which gives individual attention to students by providing them with role models who reinforce the benefits of attending college and to encourage them to do something productive with their lives, either in the business or professional world.

Hard-working volunteers are always needed to help with indoor and outdoor beautification projects, as are volunteers who want to substitute teach the motivated and high-achieving, college-bound students.

The spring fundraiser brings supporters together to celebrate Chinquapin’s milestones, graduating seniors, and dedicated faculty and staff.

The annual sporting clay shoot is a charity tournament held each fall at Greater Houston Sports Club. This event provides a great networking opportunity for multiple sectors within the oil and gas industry and financial institutions. 2021's sporting clays tournament is Tuesday, November 9.

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