Photo courtesy of Breakthrough Houston
Breakthrough Houston

Breakthrough's mission is to prepare students who possess high academic potential but limited educational resources for competitive high school programs and college admission. Through its unique "students-teaching-students" model, Breakthrough also trains talented college and high school students for careers in education.

For 23 years, the program has been a stepping stone to success for underserved students. Ninety-eight percent of Breakthrough alums have been accepted to at least one college or university  — schools like Stanford, Princeton, Duke, Yale, Georgetown, Texas A&M, UT, Baylor, and more.

Motivated students are eligible to apply to Breakthrough via the website. Students must exhibit good behavior, have good grades and standardized test scores, qualify for free reduced lunch, and possess a desire to attend college preparatory high schools and college.

Others wishing to support the program may donate online or find volunteer opportunities here.

A leader in education reform, the organization offers an intensive six-week summer session plus a monthly program during the school year. Breakthrough's signature fundraising event is an annual luncheon in February.

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