Photo courtesy of Social Motion Skills
Social Motion Inc.

Social Motion Skills is the only nonprofit organization in the Houston area offering life path solutions for individuals with autism and similar special needs. The programs help individuals reach their full potential through social skills classes for children, peer mentorship for teens, job coaching for young adults, driver's education, and more. They partner with businesses in the community to place young adults on the spectrum in jobs that match their interests and skills, and they provide onsite job coach support to ensure each individual's success.

They are also home to Aspire Accessories, a micro-enterprise employing young adult artisans on the spectrum who make fashion and home accessories while receiving fair wages, building friendships, and enjoying a sense of community. 

Check out the website to determine what age level you'd like to work with, then email or call 713-461-7200 for more information.

The annual fundraiser called Spectrum of Tastes Gala will be held on September 23, 2019.
