Covenant House Texas Facebook
Covenant House Texas

Covenant House Texas is a faith-based organization committed to giving homeless youth a safe haven, absolute respect, unconditional love, and a path to lasting independence. In partnership with the community, they are the voice for homeless youth.

Visit the Covenant House Texas website for volunteer information. There is a young professionals group which is regularly involved with volunteering and mentorship.

Sleep Out is the biggest fundraiser of the year for Covenant House Texas. Participants fundraise in weeks leading up to Sleep Out, then spend an evening getting to know some of the young people whose lives will be bettered and spend the rest of the night sleeping on the street in their place. Sleep Out happens on March 20, 2020, from 6 pm-8 am at the Covenant House Texas facility.

A kickball tournament also happens each fall.

No money is required to participate or volunteer. However, fees may exist for membership boards or committees.

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