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Westbury C.A.R.E. - Compassionate Animal Rescue Efforts

Westbury CARE (which stands for Compassionate Animal Rescue Efforts) addresses many of the growing animal-related problems in Houston. This includes roaming stray animals, the trapping and neuter return of feral cats, lost/found animals, and a lack of neutering, spaying, and microchipping.

CARE began in 2014 as a neighborhood-based organization, when a group of neighbors who love animals got together to try to figure out how to help the animals in their area. Although started in Westbury and linked to surrounding areas, Westbury CARE is now rooted in southwest Houston but has expanded to help more animals in other parts of Houston.

​CARE is 100-percent volunteer-run and depends on fosters, volunteers, and donors to continue its critical work and connect with the Houston community through outreach and events, to help people understand the importance of caring for animals with kindness and providing pets with food, water, shelter, and love.

Westbury CARE is always in need of foster homes and volunteers. CARE also keeps a wish list, which is full of the supplies required to give the animals the best medical attention, sound nutrition, and a clean, safe environment.

Your donations also support life-saving programs that find loving forever homes for homeless dogs, cats, kittens, and puppies.

Adoption events are held every weekend, along with signature fundraising events and volunteering socials throughout the year.

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