Hometown Shame

Houston passes New York as the road rage capital of America: We're now crazier than Gotham

When it comes to good driving manners, Houstonians have left their Southern upbringing in the dust.

AutoVantage, a car and roadside assistance service, ranks Houston drivers as having the worst road rage in America. The dubious honor was yanked away from those notorious New York drivers, who earned the distinction in 2013.

There is a silver lining. Since Houston drivers spend so much time gesturing and yelling, they spend less time texting.

Prince Market Research conducted the study, contacting 2,500 drivers in 25 major metropolitan cities, asking them about their own rush hour behaviors and the behaviors of those around them.

Houston drivers, it seems, are a rather demonstrative bunch, and think nothing of honking their horns, shouting obscenities, making obscene gestures and waving their arms and fists at each other.

There is a silver lining to the study. Since Houston drivers spend so much time gesturing and yelling, they spend less time on their cellphones texting and engaging in other digital distractions.

Portland drivers took top honors for the second year in a row as the city with the most courteous drivers, followed by Pittsburgh, St. Louis, San Francisco and Charlotte.
