Five Funny French Films Series


A celebration of the French sense of humor, with five films that have kept audiences laughing in screenings around the world.

March 25 - 7 p.m. French Kissers
French Kissers is a rollicking tale of a pair of teens who are far-removed from the cool crowd, as they suffer the endless embarrassments and minor triumphs of their first sexual experiences.

March 25 - 9 p.m. Heartbreaker
Charming, funny and effortlessly cool, Alex (Romain Duris) is a professional heartbreaker who — for a fee — can turn any husband, fiancé or boyfriend into an ex.

March 26 - 7 p.m. Potiche
Catherine Deneuve stars in this comedy set in 1977, in a province north of France. Suzanne (Deneuve) is the submissive “trophy housewife” of wealthy industrialist Robert (Fabrice Luchini), who oversees his umbrella factory with an iron fist and is equally tyrannical at home.

March 26 - 9:30 p.m. OSS 117: Lost in Rio
The pride of French intelligence, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath — code name: OSS 117 — has a new mission that takes him to the Bossa Nova Brazil of the 1960s. Teaming up with a sexy Mossad agent, he has to capture a Nazi blackmailer with an embarrassingly long list of World War II French collaborators.

March 27 - 5 p.m. A Town Called Panic
Hilarious and frequently surreal, this stop-motion extravaganza offers endless charms and raucous laughs for children from 8 to 80. A Town Called Panic stars three plastic toys — Cowboy, Indian, and Horse — who share a rambling house in a rural town that never fails to attract the weirdest situations. 



Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
1001 Bissonnet St.
Houston, TX 77005


$7 general public; $6 MFAH members and seniors; Free for Film Buff Members
All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.
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