Core Dance presents Human Landscapes, a dance work that follows eight company dancers on a migrant journey. Set against the backdrop of a mural commissioned by Core Dance for the performances, choreographer Germana Civera seeks to express the endless movement which migrants across the globe experience on their way to a safe haven. Performed to an original score by Didier Aschour, Civera draws upon her family’s experience as exiles during the Spanish Civil war to create a multi-sensory experience.
Core Dance presents Human Landscapes, a dance work that follows eight company dancers on a migrant journey. Set against the backdrop of a mural commissioned by Core Dance for the performances, choreographer Germana Civera seeks to express the endless movement which migrants across the globe experience on their way to a safe haven. Performed to an original score by Didier Aschour, Civera draws upon her family’s experience as exiles during the Spanish Civil war to create a multi-sensory experience.
Core Dance presents Human Landscapes, a dance work that follows eight company dancers on a migrant journey. Set against the backdrop of a mural commissioned by Core Dance for the performances, choreographer Germana Civera seeks to express the endless movement which migrants across the globe experience on their way to a safe haven. Performed to an original score by Didier Aschour, Civera draws upon her family’s experience as exiles during the Spanish Civil war to create a multi-sensory experience.