Carolyn Wonderland in concert with John Egan


A musical force equipped with the soulful vocals of Janis Joplin and the guitar slinging skills of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Carolyn Wonderland reaches into the depths of the Texas blues tradition with the wit of a poet. Along with the guitar and the multitude of other instruments she learned to play – trumpet, accordion, piano, mandolin, lap steel – Wonderland even throws in a whistling solo on occasion.

A musical force equipped with the soulful vocals of Janis Joplin and the guitar slinging skills of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Carolyn Wonderland reaches into the depths of the Texas blues tradition with the wit of a poet. Along with the guitar and the multitude of other instruments she learned to play – trumpet, accordion, piano, mandolin, lap steel – Wonderland even throws in a whistling solo on occasion.

A musical force equipped with the soulful vocals of Janis Joplin and the guitar slinging skills of Stevie Ray Vaughan, Carolyn Wonderland reaches into the depths of the Texas blues tradition with the wit of a poet. Along with the guitar and the multitude of other instruments she learned to play – trumpet, accordion, piano, mandolin, lap steel – Wonderland even throws in a whistling solo on occasion.



Heights Theater
339 W. 19th St.
Houston, TX 77008


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