In "Bella Gaia: A Poetic Vision of Earth from Space" at Miller, violinist KenjiWilliams collaborated with NASA to go beyond the music-plus-images experience.
More than just a hilarious chicken-fried party boiling with a coterie ofcrazies, anything by the Catastrophic Theatre troupe is worthy of a do-si-do.
The "Walk with Me" 5K walk meanders through the giraffes, elephants, lions andbears before culminating in family-friendly party with live music, food andchildren's activities. The event benefits Easter Seals Greater Houston.
Photo by Adrian Gonzalez
Maternity – Women's Voices Through the Ages adds to River Oaks ChamberOrchestra's world premiers. Also on the playbill are compositions by Wagner,Rossini and Kodaly.
Photo by David Brown
The Reconstruction of Asa Carter airs on Channel 8/Houston PBS on April 24 at 8p.m., with encore presentations on April 26 at 1 a.m. and April 29 at midnight.It will also be playing on the secondary channel KUHT2 on March 28 at 9 p.m.
In the mood for 19th century Paris? Royal Winnipeg Ballet's Moulin Rouge-TheBallet will take you there, presented by the Society for the Performing Arts.
Photo by Bruce Monk
I don't have a green thumb, but classes at the Houston Arboretum and NatureCenter are sure to fix that. First up is sprouting 101 with Paula Campbell.
What differentiates art from craft? Exploring that is what makes openings atHouston Center for Contemporary Craft thought-provoking.
Photos by Jake Stengal
It took all of Schubert's life to earn a concert dedicated to his prolificoutput. Da Camera of Houston recreates this 1828 musicale with a musicalgathering of amazing artists, including the Houston Chamber Choir.
Dr. Robert Shimko speaks at Rienzi’s April 14th Twilight Talk.
Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, 1922, gelatin silver print. Courtesy of theNational Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution
Photo by Man Ray
Spacetaker's weekly Cultured Cocktails happy hour at Boheme Cafe & Wine Baroffers a fun way for Houston arts groups, artists and audiences to mix, mingleand enjoy some killer-good sangria.
Photo by Jenni Rebecca Stephenson
Divas World Productions "Salon Cold War Stories: Individuals Who Pierced theIron Curtain." Pictured are Salon host David Eagleman, left, neuroscientist andbest selling author; and Andrei Codrescu, author and NPR personality.
Photo by Rodney Waters
Misha Penton, soprano and artistic director of Divergence Vocal Theater withdancer and choreographer, Meg Brooker, perform an excerpt from Elliot Cole's"Selkie, A Sea Tale," at the Divergence space opening soiree-salon on May 21.