Watch out for Ron Paul
Is Obama having a George H.W. Bush moment? New polls indicate he could be oneterm and out
New political polls indicate that a Republican has a good chance to take over the White House in 2012.
According to a new Gallup poll which puts Republican presidential candidates against President Barack Obama in head-to-head matchups, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney would beat Obama by two points in the 2012 presidential election if he won the Republican nomination, 48 percent to 46 percent.
This news all comes at the same time that Obama received his lowest approval rating since taking office.
Texas' very own Governor Good Hair Rick Perry tied Obama at 47 percent to 47 percent. The poll has a margin of error of four percent, meaning that an Obama-Romney or an Obama-Perry race is a statistical dead heat at the moment.
This news all comes at the same time that Obama received his lowest approval rating since taking office.
The Presidential Approval Index released Monday shows that 19 percent of voters strongly approve of how the president is doing his job while 45 percent of voters disapprove, leaving Obama with a minus 26 rating, according to Rasmussen Reports.
Also surprising in the Gallup poll, is that Rep. Ron Paul would lose the race by a mere two points, and Rep. Michele Bachmann — she of the crazy Newsweek cover — would lose by only four, with both within the poll's margin of error.
Though the polls are likely to change in the upcoming months, Paul’s gain is considered monumental. An Obama loss in 2012 would shockingly put him in the company of George H.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and William Taft as a one-term president.