Pix of the Day
No skinny jeans or trips to H&M for this topless best dressed candidate — just asmile
We receive a lot of submissions from readers for our weekly Style File segment that highlights best dressed individuals. But this recent one from Shawn Harrington caught our eye.
"Looking resplendent in sweet potatoes is not any easy feat to pull off, but this kid nails it. No skinny jeans or trips to H&M necessary," Harrington wrote in, describing the sartorial splendor of her 5-month son, Charles "Charlie Puddin' & Pie" Harrington.
Alas, Charlie didn't make our Style File because he wasn't wearing enough to quality. But, with that gregarious smile, we couldn't resist making him our Pix of the Day.
Got a great photo of a Houston happening or everyday occurrence? Or just a fun photo that shows why Houston is so unique? Send it to barbara@culturemap.com, along with details (who, what, where and why it's special). It might make our Pix of the Day.