Dollar Diva
A former chemist finds an Affection for jewelry and clothing
- Paula Divila, left, and Alana KirschPhoto by Dee Brown
- Photo by Dee Brown
- Photo by Dee Brown
When I first started college, I longed to have a career in journalism. Writing was actually my first love, with fashion being a close second. I could never picture myself with a career that didn’t involve an AP stylebook and a laptop to convert taped interviews and story notes into an article.
Even though I am still doing that today, some have pulled a switcheroo with their career and taken a completely different route. Imagine studying long nights in college to become a chemist and after an eight-year career in that field, deciding to open a fashion boutique.
Sound a little strange? Not for Paula Divila, the owner of Affection Boutique.
“The main reason I left was because I wasn’t happy at my job anymore,” Divila says. “I felt like I was living the same day over and over again. Years were passing by and I was getting older but I had the same day just repeating itself with nothing new.”
She left a job with a good income and health insurance and traveled around the world for six months. She was intrigued by the stylish jewelry pieces and fashionable clothes that she ran across in such exotic locales as Bali, Bangkok, Shanghai and Paris.
Although she didn't consider herself a fashionista, Davila started selling jewelry pieces to local boutiques while trying to figure out the next step in her career. Thanks to a good friend who had a vacant space up for lease on Washington Avenue, she decided to take a chance and open Affection Boutique in 2009, which led to a second location in Rice Village last October.
“The best thing about owning a boutique is my interaction with the women and being able to find something for most of the customers that stop by. One thing I found out is that you don’t have to have the perfect body to wear something, you just have to find the clothes that are perfect for your body,” says Divila.
The prices aren’t too steep, ranging from $29-$89 for tops and $69-$249 for dresses and jackets. Sizes range from 0-12.
Paula Divila talks about her store:
Dee Brown writes about style, beauty and bargain fashion on her blog, What A Doll!