Looking healthier
Bigger than Brangelina? Gabrielle Giffords poses for cover of People
This might be the biggest coup for People since the debut of Brangelina's baby.
The magazine scored an exclusive excerpt of the forthcoming memoir by Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and husband Mark Kelly. While there are no interviews or additional text from the couple, the piece is accompanied by new photos of Giffords and Kelly looking in love and healthier than ever.
Since being shot in the head in January, Giffords has made a recovery that her doctors describe as "remarkable." The new photos are only the second posed images she's taken since the shooting, with the first released in June.
After months of seclusion in Houston's TIRR, Giffords has made an increasing number of public appearances recently, including casting a vote to raise the debt ceiling in the House in August, watching her husband pilot a space shuttle mission in May and attending Kelly's retirement ceremony in Washington, D.C. last month.
What do you think of the Giffords cover?