Will you wear red?
Full controversy ahead: Heights Walmart gets a public meeting at George R. Brown
- New yard signs
- Canyon Creek
- An entry in the Stop the Heights Wal-Mart!'s photo contest
- Another entry in the Stop the Heights Wal-Mart!'s photo contest
Mayor Parker has called a public meeting Wednesday night at the George R. Brown Convention Center to discuss the proposed Washington Heights development and address resident concerns.
In an invitation to non-profit organization Responsible Urban Development for Houston, the Mayor wrote:
"You are cordially invited to attend a public meeting regarding the Koehler Street Development, also referred to as the possible Walmart project. I have heard multiple times from the public regarding the concerns about this project. I pledged early on that I would make sure all development standards are met. This public meeting is part of that pledge. Therefore, I have asked representatives of Walmart, The Ainbinder Company and my staff to come to this meeting prepared to answer the many questions that have been posed about the plans for addressing traffic, drainage, crime, noise and lighting issues."
Supporters of Stop Heights Walmart are encouraged to wear red to show their opposition to the proposed inner Loop 24-hour Supercenter. Chief among neighborhood concerns are increased crime and traffic, decreased property values and the expectation of taxpayer reimbursement for Ainbender's area "improvements."
With the proliferation of yard signs, flyers, a photo contest, bumper stickers and T-shirts, Heights area residents are fast approaching Stop Ashby Highrise-level mobilization. You can get your graphics here.
Come out to the meeting Wednesday and then meet The Good Guys (in my view) at Canyon Creek Thursday from 5 to 8 p.m. to revel in our success (or drink away our sorrows) and generally unwind. Bumper stickers and the like will be as plentiful as the brews.