katy's so nice
Houston suburb in finals for 'Nicest Places in America' national contest

The city of Katy has been named a finalist in the Reader's Digest competition for "Nicest Places in America" after a heartwarming story was published about Katy and its community members helping each other following Hurricane Harvey.
Trish Johnson published the story entitled "The Little City That Could" after the hurricane left much of Houston and its surrounding cities in disarray.
The organization says Katy was selected as a finalist because the city "exemplifies the amazing way the people of Southeast Texas responded to Hurricane Harvey, by doing everything they could to help one another, leaving nobody behind."
Voters can decide what city will be named "Nicest Place in America" by voting until July 7 at 6 pm.
The winner will be featured on Good Morning America and be featured in a cover story in the November issue of Reader's Digest.
For more on this story, including video, visit our content partner ABC13.