Nobody's Role Model
LookADouche dating expert who claims "dateable" girls shut up arrested in a vomit-filled car
So-called dating expert Justin Lookadoo has been arrested for public intoxication in Indiana. As you may recall, Lookadoo made national headlines last fall when he gave demeaning dating advice to students at Richardson High School in the Dallas area. His misogynist message that "datable girls know how to shut up" unleashed a firestorm of criticism from both sexes.
According to 14 News in Evansville, police found a drunk Lookadoo parked on the side of the highway in a vomit-ridden car. Lookadoo reportedly told authorities he was just tired and pulled over to take a nap.
He failed a field sobriety test and was booked into the Vanderburgh County Jail for public intoxication on June 23. Lookadoo was scheduled to speak at a Teen Power Camp on June 24, a date he did not make because he was behind bars.
On his website, Lookadoo defends the "media hype" surrounding his dating advice and points to his 25-year career as a motivational public speaker with programs "designed to reinforce the importance of high moral values and character."
"Justin's goal is to help teens make wise choices that will set them up for success in life, which is what drives his message," his website states.
Lookadoo was released from jail on a $200 bond June 24. As Jezebel points out, Lookadoo's arrest has resurrected the #LookADouche hashtag first made popular after his Dallas-area appearance:
Better hold my harpy-tongue and not point out the vomit-covered poetic justice. Otherwise I'll NEVER get a man. #LookADouche
— Joanne Allan (@Jomegsallan) June 27, 2014Lookadoo told middle school girls to shut up if they wanted to be dateable, but drunk on the side of the road? Totally hot. #LookADouche
— Rebecca Olivares (@RebeccaOlivares) June 27, 2014I guess #LookADouche will have to update his book: "Dateable guys know that Axe Body Spray won't disguise vomit all over your clothes."
— Martin Wagner (@wagnerfilm) June 26, 2014The logical end to the #lookadouche saga: Speaker Who Said "Dateable Girls Shut Up" Arrested in Puke-Stained Car
— Matthew Legare (@theadequate) June 27, 2014