Vanilla Cake
Hair wars: Birthday bold Bill White challenges Rick Perry in the governor'sdomain
It's Bill White's 56th birthday today, and his camp is celebrating with a little silliness.
Constituents can "sign" an online birthday card and help give the bland baldie the greatest birthday present of all — some hair.
In an e-mail signed by his three kids, supporters are encouraged to "Give our dad hair!" The punny note reads: "We started thinking. He's going head-to-head with a political pro in the governor's race these days, and there's no denying that our dad's at a significant disadvantage in the hair department."
Rick Perry 's hair does rival Mr. Schu's. You can help White compete with Rick Perry's coif here. If the site gets 25,000 signatures, he'll get Perry's own lustrous locks. if he reaches 20,000 signers, he can mimic Beyoncé, but if he can't top 1,000, he'll be stuck with the Ross Perot.
Birthday cake is also being served tonight at all of White's campaign offices statewide to anyone who stops by — care to take bets it's vanilla?