Discovery Green has named two artists for its inaugural Art Lab mentorship program, Karen Navarro and Gerardo Rosales. The two will be mentored by Jen Lewin, the Brooklyn-based artist/engineer who will debut a new winter installation in the park this November.
“Over 60 budding Houston-area creatives submitted applications to be a part of Art Lab, a testament to the demand for equitable opportunities for local artists in the public art realm,” said Kathryn Lott, president of Discovery Green Conservancy. “Jen Lewin is among the most accomplished light-based, public installation artists in the nation, and we are thrilled that Karen and Gerardo will have the opportunity to learn under the tutelage of Jen and fellow Art Lab mentors, Weingarten Art Group and Metalab.”
Once the winter installation is finished, Navarro and Rosales will be free to propose their own original works in the space.
They have their work cut out for them. Discovery Green has become one of the prime outdoor art venues in the city, with works ranging from murals to sculptures. Currently, Discovery Green is home to a light and sound cosmic adventure tunnel piece created by Paul Magnuson of BIG ART. Located just off the George R. Brown Convention Center, the space sees thousands of visitors a year and displays many unique created works.
An anonymous national art foundation is funding the Art Lab apprenticeships, which is designed to lift up marginalized voices in the Houston art community. Navarro and Rosales will both receive $4,500 in addition to the apprenticeship and mentoring.
Artist Karen Navarro is a great fit for the Art Lab program.Courtesy of Karen Navarro
Navarro is an especially a great fit for the Discovery Green space. Initially a photographer, she has spent recent years transforming her two-dimensional work into 3D sculpture. Originally from Argentina, her creations often comment on the migrant experience as well as colonization and race. It’s a potent subject for a city renowned for its diversity and immigration.
Rosales also offers some innovation for Discovery Green’s art spaces. His work crosses different mediums, but often falls somewhere between painting and mosaic. His specializes in large scenes of silhouetted human figures, usually in different geometric alignments and poses that tell an emotional story. Born in Venezuela, he is an excellent addition to Discovery Green.
“Art Lab is a gateway for artists to take their practice to the next level - providing hands-on mentorship in planning, designing, and project managing an outdoor commission,” said Lea Weingarten, principal for Weingarten Art Group. “Our goal is to give the artists a springboard to go on to significant new projects by pushing themselves in terms of concept, materials and scale. Karen and Gerardo each embody the spirit of Art Lab and we’re excited to partner with Discovery Green and the incoming fellows as we embark on the inaugural year of the program.”