If you are looking for something a little rougher around the edges that has a huge nerd factor, then you are actually looking for Brandi. After being created by the underbelly of the internet, she ran away and received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in designing and developing. You have probably seen her work – Houston Zoo, The Orange Show, Ronnie Price (if you are a basketball fan), and that dirty drawing scribbled on the bathroom stall at PJ's. She is currently digging the new Batgirl and the Red Hood story arch. She could eat a rare filet beef steak daily if it were financially possible. She loves researching the history of the Knights Templar and pirates, and oh yeah, she’s really into computer and tech.
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Costumes were plentiful at Comicpalooza.
Photo by Brandi Lalanne
If you wanted to learn about sword fighting, the George R. Brown was your place.
Photo by Brandi Lalanne
It's a comic book convention. You're going to see things.
Photo by Brandi Lalanne
Including Edward James Olmos making a big announement(s).