Social Scene
Stylish crowd at Lawndale Design Fair Preview Party combines Houston art anddesign worlds
- Stephanie Toppin, Richard SanchezPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Garrett Hunter, Evan Lobel, Michael Landrum, George LancasterPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Jim PetersenPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Mark Elias, Courtnay EliasPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Adrienne Johnson YostPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Brian Reitmeyer, Rhona KonigPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Chris Ballou, Eleanor WilliamsPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Donae Chramosta, Rob ChramostaPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Donna Donelson, Ed SaavedraPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- David PeckPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Seth Mittag, Judy Nyquist, Randy TwaddlePhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Michael Landrum, Garrett Hunter, George LancasterPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Louis-Alexis Bret, Lindsey GeorgePhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Ned Dodington, Marty JoycePhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Rene Pineda, Mauri PinedaPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
- Maria Eilerman, Tina DavisPhoto by Roswitha Vogler
The 2012 Design Fair Preview Party on Friday evening began outside of the entrance of the Lawndale Art Center, where guests were handed fresh, summery drinks. Inside, a stylish crowd proved a match for the sleek modern and contemporary design.
Garrett Hunter, the show's curator, and advisory committee members George Lancaster and Michael Landrum mingled with guest lecturer Evan Lobel and exhibitors among the homewares lining the first floor.
That large, open area was filled to the brim with hand-stamped pillows from Arena Design, Mid-century Modern furniture, pristinely-restored by Forma Revivo, fanciful pieces from Howl Interiors, contemporary seating by Plodes and more.
The fundraising event helps underwrite Lawndale's free programing throughout the year.
The Texas Co-Op took over the second floor gallery, where guests tried on unique jewelry from Sloan/Hall amid furniture by Marfa-based Garza Design Build and Pulpoetry. The hottest items, though, were cups made from hand-blown glass, brought from San Antonio by artist Justin Parr.
Racks of clothing and tables topped with accessories lined the main gallery on the third floor, where Houston designer David Peck showed his fashion collection alongside Cheeky Vintage and the Vintage Contessa, Donae Chramosta, with husband, Bob.
The fundraising event, which helps underwrite Lawndale's free programing throughout the year, draws a mingling of Houston's art and design worlds: Houston Modern Market's Brian Hoffner browsed alongside Judy Nyquist and artists Randy Twaddle and David Aylesworth. Other guests perusing the designer duds were Courtnay and Mark Elias, Seth Mittag and Donna Donelson, Brian Reitmeyer and Rhona Konig and Rene and Mauri Pineda.
Lawndale Design Fair is open to the public on its last Fair Day Sunday, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.