Cronuts Be Gone

The cronut needs to go: Enough with this overblown craze — here are 5 better new dessert combos

It’s been a month since the crazy cronut had us all fainting in a tizzy of excess empty calories. I admit being intrigued by the combo — but certainly not enough to take out a second mortgage for one or brooch the cut-throat black market.

So instead of engaging in any of the cronut knockoffs or DIY versions, perhaps we can make Houston the home of the next combo dessert craze.

After all, we are a proud, forward-thinking bunch, and we have a celebrated history of entrepreneurial dessert genius. We’ve got doughnut-favored ice cream (thank you, Eatsie Boys), PB&J-flavored macarons (from our favorite Sugar Hooker) and who can forget Plinio Sandalio’s bacon ice cream from a few years back.

So what’s next? Here are some ill-formed ideas to get you thinking.

Dough-ding (doughnuts + pudding)
My pudding obsession definitely translates to custard-filled doughnuts — because of course — but what would happen if we flip-flopped the ratio? Instead of a large doughnut filled with a middling amount of custard, how about a big cup ‘o pudding flecked with an army of tapioca-sized chunks of doughnut?

Pure pudding pleasure.

Kol-leches (kolaches + tres leches)
We Texans love to celebrate our various heritages by consuming the associated food products. The Czech in us loves kolaches, but we can’t deny our Latin flair via Tres Leches. So why not combine the two into a tres-leches-filled kolache?

You say squirmy-mushy-mess; I say super-deliciousness.

Snickers-doodles (Snickers bars + snickerdoodle cookies)
I’ve never been a huge fan of snickerdoodle cookies . . . but I could easily get behind the idea of a Snickers bar baked inside a cinnamon-sugar cookie crust. As the campaign says, you’re not you when you’re hungry — but you can be someone completely different when on a sugar rush from hell.

Coblerone (cobbler + Toblerone)
Houston is a worldly town, so perhaps we should showcase our culture by combining the once-Swiss chocolate with the campfire classic. Triangular cobbler? No, that’s just silly.

But how about a pot of creamy milk chocolate with almonds, nougat and honey, all gooey and melted-like under a warm biscuit crust. And since you can buy the Toblerone duty-free, the price may be just right.

Honey in a biscuit (honey + biscuit)
Sure, this combo is nothing new, but it’s just so much effort to put the two together. A lazy friend of mine planted the idea a few years ago that perhaps an enterprising baker could create a magical biscuit that arrives with an encased pocket of hidden honey.

Break open the biscuit, and boom: The honey spills out — with little-to-no work on your part.
