A three-hour show?
Melissa Etheridge's scandals blow away Lindsay Lohan's, but she's too good aperformer for anyone to notice
She's had her share of personal and medical hurdles during a 22-year recording career, but when it comes to the vulturous entertainment media all waiting for festering sores of juicy gossip to pop on celebrity skin, lady rocker Melissa Etheridge is absolute Teflon.
No dirt sticks to this woman (who will rock Houston tonight).
All anybody remembers is that she is lesbian (Hardly a scandal. Who isn't a lesbian these day?), she fought and won a valiant battle against breast cancer, and she has a set of the most powerful and delightfully corroded pipes since Janis Joplin when singing past hits like "I'm the Only One," and "Come To My Window."
Imagine, for a moment, if it was revealed that Lindsay Lohan had:
A). Stole actor Lou Diamond Phillips' wife from right under his "La Bamba"-singing nose.
B). Had two babies with Phillips' ex which, were conceived with the help of a sperm donation from 1960s-folk-icon-turned-freaky-old-dude David Crosby (who knew that Crosby had that kind of potent "spirit" left after a lifetime of drugs and organ transplants?)
C). Dumped the former Ms. "La Bamba" and got married to another woman who gave birth to twins (apparently, Crosby was not involved this time. No confirmation on if Neil Young was the "facilitator").
D). Dumped the new wife — and got accused of being a deadbeat mom in doing it.
E). Admits to smoking pot (for therapeutic reasons) and not paying California state taxes as a form of protest after the state passed Proposition 8, banning gay marriage.
Are you kidding me? If this was Lohan's resume, TMZ would need to start its own cable network to satiate the coverage needs and endless hours of lame analysis but goofball talking heads.
As it is, Etheridge hits Houston and all I can really think about is how great she is in concert.
She sings like Joplin and performs like Bruce Springsteen, sometimes playing for three hours.
Look for a generous helping of new album Fearless Love including including the title track which is about the first time she kissed a girl ... and liked it.
Saturday, July 31
Melissa Etheridge, 8 p.m. at the Verizon Wireless Theater
Tickets $37.50-$102.50