Unexpected Twihard?
Houston-bred psychedelic rocker goes mainstream on Twilight soundtrack
- Stephanie Bailey's drum sticks are now gladly maxi pad free
- The Black Angels: Stephanie Bailey, Christian Bland, Kyle Hunt, Alex Maas andNate RyanPhoto courtesy of The Black Angels
- Could Twilight fanatics like this turn into Black Angel fans?
Stephanie Bailey played the drums so loudly and incessantly as a kid that her family made her put maxi pads on the sticks to save their ears. She continued to tinker (she's never had a real drum lesson) throughout junior high and high school, but had to neglect her passion in college — there was nowhere to stow a set in her sorority house.
But after graduating from the University of Texas, the Houston native and graduate of Kinkaid School decided to make her hobby a full-time pursuit, and auditioned to join a band now known as The Black Angels.
The Black Angels aren't exactly new to success — they've been featured at Lollapalooza and South by Southwest and toured with groups like The Black Keys and The Raveonettes — but their latest venture might launch them into the mainstream.
"I'm not a Twihard," says Bailey, although her band is featured on the soundtrack to Eclipse, which was released June 8. With thousands of Twihards behind her, though, does Bailey expect the same sudden spike in success enjoyed by, say, Paramour?
"Probably not, but you never know," she says. Rather, Bailey says, it's good priming for The Black Angels forthcoming album.
The Austin-based band collaborated with Unkle on the track, entitled "With You in My Head," after their last collaboration hit No. 1 in Australia. "They gave it to us on a Tuesday and it had to be done on Friday," Bailey says. Ultimately they were given the luxury of the weekend to finish the song, but it was completed in about six days — and all over Skype.
"We've actually never met in person before," Bailey says. For Unkle's last album, the bands sent each other samples, recorded over them and exchanged comments over the Internet.
It's Bailey's first summer off from touring in a long time, but The Black Angels won't have long to bask in their probable fame. They're off to Oslo August 11 for a music festival that will kick off a few months of near-constant travel.
"They have a huge heavy metal scene there and it's crazy," Bailey says. "They like, burn churches and people go to jail and stuff. I just saw a documentary on Oslo, and it's going to be cool."
Listen to The Black Angel's No. 1 collaboration with Unkle, "Natural Selection," below:
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