Boom goes the dynamite
So long, cowboy: A Dallas fan reminisces over a Super Texas implosion (withvideo)
- Out with the old...
- and in with the new.
The new Cowboys Stadium is a sight to behold, but Texas Stadium was sure hard to miss.
Situated on an island of concrete in the middle of two merging freeways and a third bisecting them, Texas Stadium was a landmark in more ways than one. From my house in the 'burbs, it marked the halfway point to most Dallas destinations. Most Dallas-area alums have memories of their high school football teams competing in playoff games there, and a few (like me) can even claim to have set foot on the precious star at the 50-yard line.
And of course there were the legends who played and coached there: Roger Staubach, Tom Landry, Tony Dorsett, Bob Lilly, Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Emmitt Smith, Mel Renfro, Randy White, Jimmy Johnson. The Cowboys won all five of their Super Bowls while Texas Stadium was their home field.
It took under a minute on Sunday morning for one ton of dynamite to bring down the aging (and, OK, ugly) structure after essay contest winner Casey Rogers, an 11-year-old from Terrell, Texas, pushed the button in front of a crowd of 20,000. The explosion brought down four million pounds of concrete, two million pounds of steel and a giant banner reading "Demolicious," from Kraft, the official sponsor of the implosion. Some fans even camped out on Saturday night for a final Texas Stadium tailgate.
What was once a destination will now be nothing more than an eyesore. The cleanup from the explosion will take at least three months, and for the remainder of the City of Irving's 10-year lease, the space is set to be used as a highway construction staging area.
But hey, at least the old girl went out with a bang.