be prepared to stop
These 2 notorious Houston highways are the most congested in Texas

Houston drivers know traffic can be a nightmare, so it's no surprise the city now holds the top two spots for the busiest freeways in the state, according to a report by Texas A&M's Transportation Institute.
The 610 Loop from I-10 to I-69 in Uptown is listed as the most congested in Texas with 1.6 million wasted hours in traffic per mile. Texas A&M researchers calculated an annual congestion cost (associated with fuel consumption). The amount lost for drivers on the 610 Loop is estimated at $119,397,248.
The Southwest Freeway from the 610 Loop to Highway 288 comes in second. Its annual wasted hours in traffic is 1,372,657, while its annual congestion cost comes out to $146,531,409.
This is the first time in six years a metro area has held the top two spots.
To generate the report, researchers studied almost 1,800 sections of road from all of the Texas urban areas (with populations over 50,000), covering about 10,000 miles of roadway.
Houston has been dinged when it comes to traffic for many reasons, including for having three of the most dangerous highways in America.
Despite that, Houston still doesn't have the worst traffic in the state. A report from August shows that honor goes to a neighbor of ours to the north.
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