That Happened.
40-ton whale leaps onto yacht; sailors survive (with video)
Jul 22, 2010 | 2:02 pm
- Perhaps more freakish than the accident was the positioning of the photog thatcaptured this image
- The mast snapped and the cabin was crushed, but Ralph Mothes and Paloma Wernercame out unscathed
- The whale was apparently also unharmed
A couple sailing off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa were shocked this week when a young 40-ton whale leapt out of the water and onto their 33-foot yacht, London's Daily Telegraph reports.
Perhaps even more freakish than the accident (which left both sailors and whale unharmed) was the perfect positioning of a nearby photographer, who captured the leap. The photo went viral overnight.
Ralph Mothes says he doesn't remember the utterance, but sailing partner Paloma Werner told him he exclaimed, "Oh, shit!" just before the impact.
His reaction reminds us of this equally impressive jump, from arguably the most epic scene in film — from Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus: