HBO presents the summer event series, Mixtapes and Roller Skates, a roller disco tour featuring music inspired by the network’s upcoming series. The event will feature skate giveaways and customizations by B Street Shoes, prizes for best moves and style, and a roller runway for guests to show off their skills. There will also be a sneak peek of the upcoming series, appearances by skate crews, and special guests.
HBO presents the summer event series, Mixtapes and Roller Skates, a roller disco tour featuring music inspired by the network’s upcoming series. The event will feature skate giveaways and customizations by B Street Shoes, prizes for best moves and style, and a roller runway for guests to show off their skills. There will also be a sneak peek of the upcoming series, appearances by skate crews, and special guests.
HBO presents the summer event series, Mixtapes and Roller Skates, a roller disco tour featuring music inspired by the network’s upcoming series. The event will feature skate giveaways and customizations by B Street Shoes, prizes for best moves and style, and a roller runway for guests to show off their skills. There will also be a sneak peek of the upcoming series, appearances by skate crews, and special guests.