• Becky, working out hard for the trip even though her cancer has returned.
  • Becky will go into surgery the week after we return from Mt. Kilimanjaro. Andyes, she is still going and still climbing!
  • Venita Ray, from left, Sheri Dawson, Jackie Doval, Becky Pope, Pam Hilmes andDeb Sanders with Shana Ross (kneeling)
  • Becky says Machu Picchu is next! Holy crap!
    Photo via Wallpaper Pimper

  • Special Agent Deb Sanders on assignment in Iraq
  • The gals with their Zara Tours trek guide, Macon Dunnagan, who visited Houstonrecently for a fundraiser
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Becky Pope in her Thanksgiving chemo treatment costume. Theme: "Cancer is aturkey."
    Photo by Shana Ross
  • Sheri Dawson at the finish line of the Austin marathon - her first ever - inJanuary of this year
    Photo by Shana Ross
  • Dr. Jackie Doval at the finish line of the MS 150
    Photo by Shana Ross

  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • The start of a 12.6-mile training trek.
  • Becky Pope working hard to get ready.
  • Venita Ray, from left, Sheri Dawson, Jackie Doval, Becky Pope, Pam Hilmes andDeb Sanders with Shana Ross (kneeling)