Boozy News
A damn good drink: New OKRA charity bar finds a home in a historic downtownbuilding
- The site of OKRA's new charity bar is historic — and right downtown.Courtesy Photo
- The building used to house the Casino Saloon.Courtesy Illustration
The group of restaurant and bar owners behind OKRA, the Organized Kooperative on Restaurant Affairs, has opened several new high-profile concepts around Houston lately, including Underbelly, Hay Merchant, Oxheart, and (coming soon) Pass & Provisions. But that hasn't stopped them from moving forward on a promised charity bar, coming in November to the former Red Cat Jazz Café space downtown.
The currently unnamed charity bar "gives OKRA an outlet to support the community that supports our businesses every day,” member Justin Yu of Oxheart said in a statement. The menu will feature spirits as well as local and favorite beers plus "a small collaborative food program" from members including Paulie's, The Modular and Revival Market
Located in the historic district near Market Square Park, the building dates back to the 1880s and originally housed the Casino Saloon.
Once open, 100 percent of the bar's proceeds will go to support local organizations and social causes. Each month OKRA will select four nominees and patrons can pick their favorite charity to benefit, receiving one vote to cast for each drink purchased. OKRA will also serve as an event space for charities and organizations.
The space selected for the OKRA charity bar reflects the members' commitment to honoring and preserving the city. Located in the historic district near Market Square Park, the building dates back to the 1880s and originally housed the Casino Saloon.
The historic space features an intact circle arch and barrel vault ceilings, as well as a "central, oval shaped bar surrounded by brick walls decorated with gas light fixtures and a high glass ceiling in the rear of the bar."
Are you looking forward to the new charity bar? Suggest a name in the comments.