Foodie News
The party's over at Fiesta: Dunlavy store closing sooner than we thought
If every person who said how sad they were about Fiesta closing actually spent money at Fiesta on a regular basis, maybe I wouldn't be writing this article.
I guess we'll never know. The much-lamented ethnic grocery store on the corner of Dunlavy and West Alabama with a comprehensive wine department and great oldies music is closing on July 15, according to the Houston Chronicle's David Kaplan, citing a press release from the chain.
The store has been not long for this world since H-E-B opened across the street in November, with an official announcement in January that Finger Companies had purchased the Fiesta shopping center and would be turning it into a "Mediterranean-style" mid-rise apartment development.
However, there might be a silver lining for Montrose residents who don't want to make the hike over to Fannin and Wheeler. There are rumors that the grocery chain is looking at another Montrose-area space.
According to Kaplan, all the affected Fiesta employees will be transferred to other Houston stores.
What will you miss about Fiesta? What are you stocking up on before the store closes?