The scoop on the cast contenders
Look out! The Real Housewives of Houston are coming! Producers quietly castingnow
- Ursaline HamiltonPhoto by Anthony Rathbun
- Suzanne Getty
- Rachel Brown
- Joyce EcholsPhoto by Jenny Antill
- Leslie Tyler Fink
- Cindi Harwood Rose
- Jessica Meyer
- Melissa KingPhoto by Dave Rossman
- Debbie Festari
- Ericka Bagwell
Move over, New Jersey. When it comes to TiVo-worthy reality TV divas, no one can deliver like Texas. So it's no surprise that experienced producers from Los Angeles are quietly in talks with several sultry socials for a Houston-based series.
The cast is still being whittled from 18 to the final five, but here's CultureMap's not-at-all-scientific, handicapped list of who we expect to see bringing the drama and the glamour soon in primetime.
Ursaline Hamilton
Housewife credentials: Former model? Check. Pro-athlete spouse? Check. Philanthropic? Check. What's not to love?
Odds: 2:1
Suzanne Getty
We're not sure if she's related to the oil and museum Gettys, but this modelesque brunette with the impeccable fashion sense strolls past velvet ropes to the most exclusive parties — and where she goes, we want the cameras to follow.
Odds: 3:1
Rachel Brown
Ready for drama and controversy mixed in with social climbing? As wife number four of the notorious hand doctor, she's making waves in the social scene and raising quite a brood.
Odds: 10:1
Joyce Echols
Can you say America's sweetheart? Echols' adorable blonde looks and sweet, bubbly personality will win her fans. And what's a villainess without a heroine to play against? (All the better if she drives a cherry red Ferrari.)
Odds: 3:1
Cindi Rose
Every good cast has a character that's well-meaning but a little bit wacky — think Lynne from Housewives of Orange County. Plus we all know the Rose family takes to reality television drama like a fish to water, and it's high time Cindi dove in.
Odds: 1:1
Jessica Meyer
You can't have a show about the Houston social scene without mixing in a glamorous, over-the-top diva with international flair. And we're pretty sure "flair" is this bombshell's middle name.
Odds: 5:1
Melissa King
With a politically-oriented husband, sweet Melissa brings the culture (learning French in France? ooh la la!), plus she's a former beauty queen — another key Housewife criteria.
Odds: 3:1
Leslie Tyler Fink
This leggy blonde with the lip gloss line lives for the spotlight and has a knack for finding celebrity friends. She could be the Cinderella socialite people love — or love to hate.
Odds: 1:1
Debbie Festari
With a business to promote and a penchant for the social scene, Festari would make a great matriarch of the cast, like New Jersey Housewife Caroline — plus her pull-no-punches commentary will keep people coming back for more.
Odds: 4:1
Ericka Bagwell
Like Ursaline, Ericka is known for staying out on the scene and giving back in a big way. She always keeps it fun, so we'd pick her in a heartbeat. The drawback? Husband Jeff prefers to keep a lower profile.
Odds: 18:1
Update: To clarify, the show has not definitively been linked to Bravo (or any network) yet. It's just being cast and pitched as a group of married socialites/housewives. We'll be the first to tell you where the show lands and what it will be called.