The Big Night
New Twilight Eclipse trailer threatens prom season
- Who's thinking about prom with a new Twilight trailer out?
- Is this how Robert Pattinson spent his prom?
- It's bad enough Twlight had to ruin books, now it's encroaching on prom?
This is one of biggest prom weekends of the season — one look at all the limos abandoned on the sides of the roads alongside the Waterwall on Saturday afternoon confirmed as much. (Apparently, it's not a prom if you don't get sprayed while posing for pictures).
But what this infringing on what's supposed to be the biggest weekend (at least if you're in a John Hughes movie) of your young life? Stephanie Meyer (or at least Dakota Fanning as Meyer's agent of chaos on Oprah) unveiling a new trailer for the upcoming Twilight series movie Eclipse. The same movie that's geared to make many of those prom attendees' hearts go aflutter.
What's a high school girl to do when forced to choose between the funny guy in biology class and Edward Cullen?
Can you imagine your prom date telling you, wait a few hours will ya, I've got to watch this new Eclipse trailer for the 2,347th time?
They had to debut this trailer on the Oprah on the eve of the biggest prom weekend of the year? That just seems unnecessarily cruel to high school guys (And I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that no self-respecting guy was breathlessly awaiting a Twilight trailer). That's like having a Playmate visit a prison or a recovering alcoholic road trip to Mardi Gras.
How cruel is this Stephanie Meyer? It's not enough that she's dumbed down reading around the globe?
Check out the trailer (for the 2,348th time for many of you) and let us know what you think ... Should the Twilight brain trust apologize to frustrated prom goers?
An army of vampires ... Woo, scary.