feb. 9
Links we love today: Cats who love soccer, learning about Lin, elderly hipstersand more
Assistant Editor Samantha Pitchel reads everything so you don’t have to.
Here are the links we loved today:
The FBI’s 191-page file on Steve Jobs, which reveals drug use and alleges “questionable moral character,” has been released online.
The forthcoming updated edition of the DSM — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders — will replace “overdiagnosed” Asperger’s with more comprehensive autism spectrum.
Comic Stephen Fry lashes out at tech-illiterate UK judges.
Photo series “Modern Witchcraft” captures images of practicing Wiccans.
Let's nerd out for a sec over photos from Lauren Moffatt's retro/romantic schoolgirl-inspired Spring line.
Mashable compiles tips on how to be Twitter funny; Let's hope "Elderly Hipsters Talking Shit" doesn't become A Thing (or wait, let's hope it does?); If you are an adult person who is not easily offended/interested in learning more about "breast puppets," good news.
Dan Treadway explains why we should all love Jeremy Lin.
Reporting from the trenches: what one freelancer learned from lady mags.
Since I’m about as romantically adept as a cross between Ira Glass and a 10-year-old girl, I will definitely take relationship advice from Ira Glass and a 10-year-old girl.
Cat interrupts soccer match, internet rejoices:
Adorable animated video for Coasting’s “Same Old Same Old” (catch them at SXSW):