Opens Monday
H-Town's Big Apple: Houston Food Bank's new location makes it the largest foodbank in the world
- The majestic new Houston Food Bank building, located at 535 Portwall.Photo via Houston Food Bank
- The new warehouse has plenty of space. But then again, the Houston Food Bankserves so many communities that they're going to need it.Photo via Houston Food Bank/Facebook
When you hear Houstonians say they love the Big Apple to the east, rest assured it's not a case of New York City envy.
In a well-deserved expansion, Houston is getting a big apple of its own. Come Monday, the Houston Food Bank will officially swap its Eastex address for the crook of I-10 and the North Loop 610 in a massive, newly remodeled building. The relocation process is already underway, with some big assists from H-E-B, Walmart and Kroger.
The organization's new digs, located at 535 Portwall, are four times bigger than its existing headquarters. This upgrade (308,000 square feet of warehouse space) makes it the largest food bank in the world.
How you like them apples?
So it's fitting that the world's largest food bank would also prominently feature one of the world's largest apples — a silver, three-quartered piece of fruit — emblazoned on its signature lime green facade.
We'd guess that with the added heft comes added responsibility. We're looking forward to seeing how much more the Houston Food Bank can do with this gigantic facility at its core.
In fact, the Food Bank, which serves 137,000 people each year, plans are to handle 120 million pounds of food by 2018.