Home and Deranged
Crazy women are an online dating lure; I've got the proposals to prove it
- I stop shaving after the second month of exclusivity. Who doesn't love a littleleg hair by lamplight?
- Don't cross me. I will clean your flat screen with Windex.
In a recent analysis of OKCupid user data, founder Christian Rudder concluded that beauty’s in the flaws (aww!) or rather, that men pay more attention to women who aren’t afraid to embrace their shortcomings.
Self-acceptance over self-improvement is a philosophy I whole-heartedly subscribe to — see my column on letting the crazy out — but I hadn’t thought to be so direct as to actually publish my lesser qualities in an online dating profile. I only had a chance to skim Rudder’s findings, but I incorporated what I could into the OKCupid profile I created (if you want to check me out, I go by the pseudonym “jkkindof”:
In my self-summary there are fun facts like:
- I'm really funny, but I'm also pretty mean. Vitriol is my morning coffee.
- I stop grooming after the second month of exclusivity.
- I cry a LOT. When I'm happy, when I'm sad and sometimes when we're sexing.
- Treat me well, but not all the time. It makes me nervous and I'll only take advantage.
- I have a complex relationship with my mother — one that requires near-constant analysis.
- I will avenge myself if you cross me. Major offenses incur, say, downloading kiddie porn onto your work computer.
- I would be remiss not to mention that I have, at the close of some relationships, been called "the worst girlfriend ever" and "a heartless c*nt."
My habits: Smokes when drinking; drinks very often; drugs sometimes; dislikes children; dogs okay.
What I'm doing with my life: Working my dream job/straight chillin' till he gets rich and I get married.
I'm really good at: Putting myself first; getting revenge.
The first things people usually notice about me: That I'm staring. I’ve heard I have a mean case of the stares.
Favorite Book:Why Men Marry Bitches.
Favorite Movie: Benny and Joon (because she’s crazy and she still gets the guy).
Favorite Music: Ke$ha.
Favorite Food: I love fine dining when I’m not paying for it.
The six things I could never do without: Eyeliner, the Internet, Gilt Groupe, male attention, my vibrator, credit cards.
I spend a lot of time thinking about: How great I am, and how great you think I am.
You should message me if: You're rich. Looks don't hurt.
Since creating the profile a mere half hour ago, I’ve received eight messages from salivating suitors (I know I can’t actually see them, but the saliva is definitely implied). Rudder is so right!
Hey, if Julian Assange can have a successful online dating life, so can I — and so can you.