Swords of Fate
We ♥ Hou because we're suckers for a good love story
- Three-time world champion fencer Benoit Bouysset and his wife Christina had aromantic Cancun wedding.
- A snapshot of Benoit and Christina on his first trip to Houston.
When Christina Garza went to France with the Rotary Club in 2008, she made an unexpected connection. Garza — spokesperson for Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia — was finishing up a dinner presentation when she caught sight of a handsome man out of the corner of her eye.
“I immediately noticed him because of his good looks,” she recalled.
Even thought they had little more than a quick introduction later that night, a week later she received an email from Benoit Bouysset, asking her if they could stay in touch. Their emails turned into daily video chats, with the idea that Garza could practice her French and Bouysset could work on his English. The long-distance relatiohship resulted in a marriage proposal came the next year.
A three-time champion in fencing, the 35-year-old Bouysset won titles as World Champion Fencing Master in 2002 and 2010 and France National Champion in 2009. The couple got married last February, but just began living together in Houston this month so that Bouysett could finish up his last string of tournaments. He teaches fencing at Alliance Fencing Academy.
“We’re just starting,” said Garza, 37. “It was hard for us to do anything together living in separate countries, so for now we’re just enjoying being together under one roof.”
Garza leaves sticky notes around the house to make the transition easier for Bouysset, who is still getting used to speaking English.
"She still needs to mark some of the tools," Bouysset said.
Luckily it's harder to get lost in translation, when you're already lost in love.
Watch a CultureMap video of this swords and love tale: