Christian Warrior?
Details emerge on Tim Tebow's controversial sermon at $123 million, anti-gay mega church
Tim Tebow is coming to Dallas. And though there's no indication the embattled quarterback will have any contact with the Dallas Cowboys at Valley Ranch, he'll certainly draw plenty of attention from his position at the pulpit of First Baptist Dallas.
Tebow will speak at two Sunday morning worship services on April 28 as the culmination of a month-long celebration of the behemoth new campus — a $123 million facility that opens March 31.
Although Tebow is an outspoken Christian, his specific stances on many issues are not known.
Pastor Robert Jeffress is not one to shy away from controversy, so it should come as no surprise that he'd welcome the polarizing New York Jets quarterback with open arms.
On First Baptist's website, the church describes the former Heisman Trophy winner thusly: "NFL quarterback and philanthropist Tim Tebow lives a life that consistently reflects his values, and he is dedicated to helping people and communities in need."
Tebow frequently speaks at churches and religious events around the country, and he co-wrote the book Through My Eyes with author Nathan Whitaker. Although Tebow is an outspoken Christian and frequently prays on the sidelines during games, his specific stances on many issues are not known.
Jeffress has made headlines in the past for his view of homosexuality, including the bluntly titled 2008 sermon series "Gay is not OK." Jeffress has also publicly denounced other world religions such as Mormonism, which he called a cult, and Islam, which Jeffress said was evil.
As a whole, Tebow espouses conservative values and even starred in a pro-life commercial during the Super Bowl in 2010.
The April 28 event is free and open to the public.