Rodeo Stars
It's a round-up of rodeo stars as Trailblazer Committee celebrates 2015 honorees
The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo might be months away but the enthusiasm is already ginning up. Case in point, the Trailblazer Committee reception in the HLS&R board dining room at NRG Center where the 2015 Trailblazer Award honorees were introduced.
With boots polished and Stetsons freshly steamed, rodeo honchos turned out in force to pay tribute to five members of the Trailblazer Committee. Heading up the team were HLS&R president and CEO Joel Cowley and vice president and COO Dan Cheney.
In addition to contributing time, talent and generosity to the rodeo, honorees typically must have served on committees for 10 years or more and have served on two or more committees. The Pearl Award, the group's highest honor, given to one showing commitment above and beyond the call of duty, went to Kay Stevens, whose many years of rodeo involvement has included service on the Calf Scramble, Cutting Horse, Quarter Horse and World’s Championship Bar-B-Que committees.
The four other women recognized as Trailblazer Award honorees are Linda Sue Barnes, Cyndy Garza Roberts, Jill Watson and Donna Webster. They will be officially honored at the 16th annual Trailblazer Awards Luncheon and Fashion Show on Feb. 5 at the Bayou City Events Center.
Joining the celebration of the dedicated volunteers were Sharleen and Ron Walkoviak, Paula and Butch Robinson, Steve Stevens, Judy and John O. Smith, Ed McMahon, Chris Richardson, Jim Bob Taylor, Joe Van Matre and 25 past Trailblazer honorees.