Geriatric gaffe
James Franco tries to turn his grandma into the next Betty White, casting doubton his Oscar gig
Christmas represents (for some) the birth of a popular deity, and for many, a day to reconnect with relatives and stock up on carbohydrates for the long winter. But for actor/artist/author James Franco, it's an opportunity to push his latest movie 127 Hours.
The film's earned a rep for its gory scene of self-amputation, so to diminish the stigma, James made a super cute at-home video for where his grandma declares that those who can't handle the bloody imagery are "a bunch of pussies."
The one minute and 20 seconds clip is rife with contradictions: The grandma is decked out in a bright yellow and orange shirt that says, "I KEPT MY EYES OPEN FOR 127 HOURS," but everyone knows that old people can never stay awake for an entire movie. Grammy Franco, while sporting a Santa hat, admits to being part Jewish as she declares, "I'm the number one Santa."
No doubt, the Ohio-native is a little off. The shaky camera panning to other anonymous, frumpy Francos doesn't help the video either. Clearly, we have a lot of questions:
- Is that really James Franco's grandma? (Wikipedia says she owns an art gallery in Cleveland.)
- Is James Franco's grandma the next Betty White?
- Do grandmas use the term "pussy?"
- Is James Franco saying pussies are a bad thing?
- What does that say about James Franco?
- Does James Franco need cash to pay for his graduate programs at Columbia, NYU, RISD, Brooklyn College and Yale?
- Will James Franco get funnier before he hosts the Oscars?
- Will James Franco be stripped of his title of Coolest Person of the Year?
View Christmas Greetings From the Franco's below: