Can't the Jonas Brothers retire already? By next year, they'll be as forgottenas Debbie Gibson
- The Jonas Brothers ensure that Sunday will be a loud day at RodeoHouston.
- The Jonas Brothers have become Rodeo regulars.
The only karmic justice we average folks have against adolescent pop acts is that they only get to retain that status for about 10 minutes.
After that the kids are looking for some new mature fetus with a talent for harmony to cheer.
Miley Cyrus seems like she's been around so long that she must about 30 years old now, right? And the Jonas Brothers, well, they aren't even the freshest fruit on the RodeoHouston tree (that would be 16 year-old Justin Bieber).
This isn't the first time Nick, Kevin and Joe Jonas have played RodeoHouston. Last year they packed Reliant Stadium with the type of screaming that was once reserved for retired acts Backstreet Boys and N'Sync.
That was back in the olden days. ... a decade ago.
This year the Jonas' are touring in support of their most recent former No. 1 album, "Lines, Vines and Trying Times." A version of recent single, "Send It On," features Dallas-born teen-star Demi Lovato singing with the boys. It's possible they could try that live in Houston.
By next year the Jona Brothers should be ready to settle in at the teen pop retirement home and enjoy a life of shuffle board, mahjong and soft foods with Debbie Gibson, Gerardo and Tiffany.
Sunday, 6:45 p.m. at RodeoHouston (Reliant Stadium)
Tickets $16-$30 (only standing room still available)