The Secret Group presents Liz Miele

Photo courtesy of Liz Miele

Liz Miele is a New York City-based comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central, FOX, AXS TV, Hulu, and NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. She has several viral videos on Youtube, Instagram and Tiktok including jokes "Feminist Sex Positions," "Dating Is Harder for Comedians," and "F*ck Finland." Her newest special, Ghost of Academic Future, premiered in 2022 on YouTube. She also has a weekly podcast with comedian Maria Shehata called 2 Non Doctors.

Liz Miele is a New York City-based comedian who has appeared on Comedy Central, FOX, AXS TV, Hulu, and NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me. She has several viral videos on Youtube, Instagram and Tiktok including jokes "Feminist Sex Positions," "Dating Is Harder for Comedians," and "F*ck Finland." Her newest special, Ghost of Academic Future, premiered in 2022 on YouTube. She also has a weekly podcast with comedian Maria Shehata called 2 Non Doctors.



The Secret Group
2101 Polk St, Houston, TX 77003, USA



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