While Childhood Slept is a heart-wrenching original musical that follows the true story of the boys of Home Number One in the Nazi concentration camp, Terezin. The children create a secret republic within the camp, publishing their own magazine of art, poetry, and short stories called Vedem. A visit from The Red Cross presents the opportunity to disguise their magazine as a secret message and a means of escape.
While Childhood Slept is a story of bravery, determination, and hope with a promise that we will never forget the past and will never allow history to repeat itself.
While Childhood Slept is a heart-wrenching original musical that follows the true story of the boys of Home Number One in the Nazi concentration camp, Terezin. The children create a secret republic within the camp, publishing their own magazine of art, poetry, and short stories called Vedem. A visit from The Red Cross presents the opportunity to disguise their magazine as a secret message and a means of escape.
While Childhood Slept is a story of bravery, determination, and hope with a promise that we will never forget the past and will never allow history to repeat itself.