The Texas India Forum will present the “Howdy, Modi!” community summit, featuring India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The event will include a cultural program and an address by Prime Minister Modi. The tagline for the summit, “Shared Dreams, Bright Futures” reflects the intent to build on the common aspirations that bring together the great democracies of the United States and India.
The Texas India Forum will present the “Howdy, Modi!” community summit, featuring India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The event will include a cultural program and an address by Prime Minister Modi. The tagline for the summit, “Shared Dreams, Bright Futures” reflects the intent to build on the common aspirations that bring together the great democracies of the United States and India.
The Texas India Forum will present the “Howdy, Modi!” community summit, featuring India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. The event will include a cultural program and an address by Prime Minister Modi. The tagline for the summit, “Shared Dreams, Bright Futures” reflects the intent to build on the common aspirations that bring together the great democracies of the United States and India.