Pinocchio, a sentient AI boy created by tech-savvy inventor Gill Bates, navigates a town obsessed with viral TikTok dances. When Pinocchio embarks on a quest to discover his true essence - with the help of everybody’s favorite faithful guide, Buttons - he encounters a world of digital mischief and adventure. Will he unlock the secrets to his identity? Or will the conniving villain Miss Treats disrupt the festivities and thwart Pinocchio’s journey?
A feast for the senses, this panto is packed with high-tech hijinks, side-splitting jokes, and enough singing and dancing to reboot even the most jaded of operating systems.
Pinocchio, a sentient AI boy created by tech-savvy inventor Gill Bates, navigates a town obsessed with viral TikTok dances. When Pinocchio embarks on a quest to discover his true essence - with the help of everybody’s favorite faithful guide, Buttons - he encounters a world of digital mischief and adventure. Will he unlock the secrets to his identity? Or will the conniving villain Miss Treats disrupt the festivities and thwart Pinocchio’s journey?
A feast for the senses, this panto is packed with high-tech hijinks, side-splitting jokes, and enough singing and dancing to reboot even the most jaded of operating systems.