"Ascendants from the Future" is a celestial macramé installation host to experimental music and performance. Created by Sonia Flores and team, the nebula-like structure is inspired in part by the music of Sun Ra, the exploration of Spirit, the beauty and vastness of outer space and Flores' own personal defining of the artistic movement known as "Indigenous Futurism."
Each Thursday for the month of June will showcase a musical act/performance.
"Ascendants from the Future" is a celestial macramé installation host to experimental music and performance. Created by Sonia Flores and team, the nebula-like structure is inspired in part by the music of Sun Ra, the exploration of Spirit, the beauty and vastness of outer space and Flores' own personal defining of the artistic movement known as "Indigenous Futurism."
Each Thursday for the month of June will showcase a musical act/performance.
"Ascendants from the Future" is a celestial macramé installation host to experimental music and performance. Created by Sonia Flores and team, the nebula-like structure is inspired in part by the music of Sun Ra, the exploration of Spirit, the beauty and vastness of outer space and Flores' own personal defining of the artistic movement known as "Indigenous Futurism."
Each Thursday for the month of June will showcase a musical act/performance.