"Interwoven" is an exploration of the dynamic tapestry that is the Houston photo community, a myriad of threads intricately woven together. Community, though not a novel subject, remains an ever-evolving narrative - a collective endeavor in constant flux. Through the collaboration of FLATS Founder, Jessi Bowman, and photographer Ryan Francisco this exhibition, presented in two parts, invites visitors to view a handful of diverse perspectives and experiences that shape the cultural landscape of the city.
At the heart of "Interwoven" lies a curated selection of artists whose backgrounds, ages, and artistic styles span a broad spectrum. Each piece serves as a lens through which the artists introspectively examine their surroundings, diving into personal narratives intertwined with familial histories, cultural legacies, meditations on the environment, and the ever-shifting contours of identity. Others examine memory and emotion, navigating the complexities of multiculturalism, the nuances of grief and affection, or something more intangible.
"Interwoven" is an exploration of the dynamic tapestry that is the Houston photo community, a myriad of threads intricately woven together. Community, though not a novel subject, remains an ever-evolving narrative - a collective endeavor in constant flux. Through the collaboration of FLATS Founder, Jessi Bowman, and photographer Ryan Francisco this exhibition, presented in two parts, invites visitors to view a handful of diverse perspectives and experiences that shape the cultural landscape of the city.
At the heart of "Interwoven" lies a curated selection of artists whose backgrounds, ages, and artistic styles span a broad spectrum. Each piece serves as a lens through which the artists introspectively examine their surroundings, diving into personal narratives intertwined with familial histories, cultural legacies, meditations on the environment, and the ever-shifting contours of identity. Others examine memory and emotion, navigating the complexities of multiculturalism, the nuances of grief and affection, or something more intangible.
Admission is free.