Hooks-Epstein Galleries presents Deasa Turner: "Whimsy and Chaos!" opening reception

Photo courtesy of MontaQue

Hooks-Epstein Galleries will celebrate its 55th Anniversary and commence the 2024-2025 season with the opening of Deasa Turner’s "Whimsy and Chaos!," an exhibition of mixed media work.

As exemplified in this exhibition, the artwork of Turner is shaped by two guiding principles. The first is transmogrification, in which Turner changes or alters an object, often producing a grotesque or humorous effect. The second is her use of theatre to create the characters, scene, stories, and theme of each piece.

All is manifested from Turner’s gut response to humanity and the issues that impact her and the world, inspiring a body of work that is bold, layered, intuitive, and provocative. To Turner, everything is about the human spirit and the true, lived human experience.

Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until October 11.

Hooks-Epstein Galleries will celebrate its 55th Anniversary and commence the 2024-2025 season with the opening of Deasa Turner’s "Whimsy and Chaos!," an exhibition of mixed media work.

As exemplified in this exhibition, the artwork of Turner is shaped by two guiding principles. The first is transmogrification, in which Turner changes or alters an object, often producing a grotesque or humorous effect. The second is her use of theatre to create the characters, scene, stories, and theme of each piece.

All is manifested from Turner’s gut response to humanity and the issues that impact her and the world, inspiring a body of work that is bold, layered, intuitive, and provocative. To Turner, everything is about the human spirit and the true, lived human experience.

Following the opening reception, the exhibit will be on display until October 11.



Hooks Epstein Galleries
2631 Colquitt St, Houston, TX 77098, USA


Admission is free.

All events are subject to change due to weather or other concerns. Please check with the venue or organization to ensure an event is taking place as scheduled.