In the theatrical comedy Le Grand Restaurant, written by Pierre Palmade, audiences follow the stories and misadventures of the customers and owner of a fine restaurant.
The play is written in the form of a television show by Pierre Palmade and was broadcast for the first time in 2010 on French TV. The show is composed of sketches and tells the stories of customers of a fine restaurant as well as the misadventures of the owner of the establishment. The humorous situations deal with various social themes such as extramarital love, inheritance, sexuality, money and loneliness.
The language of the show is French with English subtitles. This show is recommended for an audience of 10 years and older.
In the theatrical comedy Le Grand Restaurant, written by Pierre Palmade, audiences follow the stories and misadventures of the customers and owner of a fine restaurant.
The play is written in the form of a television show by Pierre Palmade and was broadcast for the first time in 2010 on French TV. The show is composed of sketches and tells the stories of customers of a fine restaurant as well as the misadventures of the owner of the establishment. The humorous situations deal with various social themes such as extramarital love, inheritance, sexuality, money and loneliness.
The language of the show is French with English subtitles. This show is recommended for an audience of 10 years and older.
In the theatrical comedy Le Grand Restaurant, written by Pierre Palmade, audiences follow the stories and misadventures of the customers and owner of a fine restaurant.
The play is written in the form of a television show by Pierre Palmade and was broadcast for the first time in 2010 on French TV. The show is composed of sketches and tells the stories of customers of a fine restaurant as well as the misadventures of the owner of the establishment. The humorous situations deal with various social themes such as extramarital love, inheritance, sexuality, money and loneliness.
The language of the show is French with English subtitles. This show is recommended for an audience of 10 years and older.